makers mark registry

Submit your maker’s mark! Inspired by Debra Sloan’s BC Ceramics Marks Registry – created in collaboration with the CCBC – the Craft Council of BC is endeavouring to collect maker’s marks from its members to create registries for each medium.

about the project

The purpose of this project is to contribute to the historical tracking of craft in BC, while also working to establish the artist’s provenance.

 The creation of a CCBC Maker’s Mark Registry (BCCMR) is a service provided by the Craft Council of BC to its members to promote the importance of dating work as a means of contributing to the historiography of contemporary craft while also engaging with collectors. 

The BCCMR is a partnership between the Craft Council of BC and the Potters Guild of BC.

To see an example of what the registries will look like, please view a current draft of the BC Ceramics Marks Registry here.

We would love to include your mark in our registry!

Please fill out the linked forms to have your information included. Specifications for image sizes/formats are outlined in these forms.
