Unglazed white clay pots on wood table
in craft

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what our members are doing, the latest craft news, what’s happening at the ccbc, and more!

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artist interviews

ccbc artist interview with claudine gévry

“Making is my way of processing my daily life. When I create, I reflect and give physical shape to what is influencing me. Words have never come easily to me. While people talk about their day, I will make a sculpture instead!”

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artist interviews

ccbc artist interview with robert jakobsen

“I’ve always been drawn to the concept of creating things with wood. From a very young age I would experiment with my father’s tools on scrap pieces of wood left over from construction projects.”

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bc pottery artist
artist interviews

ccbc artist interview series with coral patola

“Ever since I was a child there hasn’t been a time when I’m not pursuing a creative outlet. Visual arts have always been part of how I express myself, from painting, to textiles, to collage and printmaking, working with my hands has always been part of how I process my inner and outer world.”

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