digital craft archive
CCBC is proud to present Digital Craft Archive, a community-led archival hub for digital collections related to craft in British Columbia and beyond. This project was created in anticipation of CCBC’s 50th anniversary, with the Council working towards digitizing its own archives, as well as collaborating with community groups to bring their records to light.
Digital Craft Archive is already home to several projects from CCBC and our community. These inaugural projects are the BC Ceramic Marks Registry, an art print collection from New Leaf Editions, and an archive of historical issues of CCBC’s newsletter “Craft Contacts.” By publishing these open-access digital archives, CCBC hopes to conserve physical holdings, increase knowledge of craft, and open our local histories to the world.
Our larger goal is for Digital Craft Archive to grow into a community platform, where our members and their organizations can find a home for their collections, photographs, or records which they wish to share with the world. View the infographic below to learn more about Digital Craft Archive, and your potential future archival project.

notes from the archive
gain insight into the archival work underway at CCBC from staff involved in these projects

what is a “community archive”, and why should we have one?
in anticipation of the lauch of Digital Craft Archive, archival practitoner and project developer Tatiana Povoroznyuk discuses the theory behind a community-led digital archive.

pots that transform?
Archival summer student Tatiana Povoroznyuk reflects on the historic relationship between 60s and 70s counterculture and ceramics in BC, asking why these histories should be preserved and what a “pot that transforms” means in 2021.

a rant about signatures
Over the course of summer 2021, CCBC hired a student to archive hundreds of prints that have accumulated over three decades at New Leaf Editions. Through the raffling of prints, summer student Jane Schiedel came to recognize a serious issue.

craft contacts 3: auntie vice
Summer student and archivist Sarah Gibbon takes yet another trip into CCBC the archive. Sarah introduces a peculiar character that pops up repeatedly in our historical newsletters. Auntie Vice was an advice yielding conservator and an avid supporter of Warhol’s spicy Torso series. Read on to learn more about Craft Contacts and our dear Auntie Vice.

printing for the people: new leaf editions
Granville Island’s very own Peter Braune sits down with Craft Council summer student Jane Schiedel to delve deep into his love of printing and the legacy of New Leaf Editions established in 1985 by the Master Printer and good friend of the CCBC.

craft contacts 2
Summer student and archivist Sarah Gibbon takes another trip into CCBC the archive, this time all the way back to the summer of 72′ for a very special edition of the CCBC’s newsletter, Craft Contacts.