heike royer

heike royer




Heike Royer has been a life-long maker. Amid the challenges of the Covid pandemic Heike discovered a sanctuary in the world of cross-stitching.
What truly ignited her passion are the mandala-style designs. Their symmetrical beauty is not only visually captivating but also incredibly soothing and comforting.
In 2023, Heike took her cross-stitching journey a step further by challenging herself to interpret works of art within the confines of a 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch space.
What sets Heike’s work apart is that she don’t rely on computers or templates. Every piece you see here springs directly from her imagination and skill, making each piece unique and heartfelt.
Heike is thrilled to share her creations with you, and she hopes they bring as much joy to your life as they’ve brought to hers.

artist statement

Amid the challenges of the Covid pandemic I discovered a sanctuary in the world of cross-stitching. As the world around me slowed down, I found solace and an outlet for my creative energy by crafting intricate cross-stitch coasters. These creations became my happy place, a sanctuary where I could let my imagination soar.

What truly ignites my passion are the mandala-style designs. Their symmetrical beauty is not only visually captivating but also incredibly soothing and comforting. The rhythmic stitching, the selection of colors, and the mindful process all come together to create something truly special.

In 2023, I took my cross-stitching journey a step further by challenging myself to interpret works of art within the confines of a 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch space.

What sets my work apart is that I don’t rely on computers or templates. Every piece you see here springs directly from my imagination and skill, making each piece unique and heartfelt.
