jacqueline robins

Jacqueline Robins descends from a long line of makers: shipbuilders, ranchers, painters and craftspeople. Her parents, self-employed and creative, planted the seed of independence and responsibility. Robins moved on from Emily Carr University to an apprenticeship in production pottery on Saltspring Island. Immersed in the cycle of creating and selling, she also became a part of the family who sponsored her. This holistic atmosphere harkened back to growing-up in her family’s hardware store and shone a bright light on art-making as a community effort. In 1995 Robins established her own ceramics studio and business. In 2004 she circled back to Emily Carr as technical staff and joined that family to help support the next generation of creative vision. That same year she reconnected with print media. This sparked and fuelled her current passion for visual story-telling in a permanent way, combining various print-making techniques with ceramics. |