imagined oceans
imagined oceans
melanie thompson
october 12 – november 29, 2020
ccbc shop & gallery
Almost every civilization that has ever fished has created a fish trap of their own. They are used to catch any and all sea creatures, but what about the things they can’t reach?
This exhibition by artist Melanie Thompson is on display now in our window gallery. By presenting her beautiful sculptural fish traps, Thompson critiques our knowledge of the oceans depths.
What could the ocean hold that we are unaware of? What don’t we know about this vast world? What worlds are below?
As a mixed media artists, these works are a part of Thompson’s latest multidisciplinary works that includes basketry techniques and sculptural forms. Thompson has practised basketry for many years using traditional and non traditional materials. Melanie has recently completed her Diploma in Fine Arts at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design. It was during this degree that her design sensibilities informed and led to her mixed media work, including the work within this exhibition.