ccbc craft resource library

ccbc craft resource library

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craft resource library

a community-built craft library

The CCBC Craft Resource Library provides books, magazines, and directories—even DVDs and VHS— on craft techniques, history, theory, and perspectives for the master craftsperson and the beginner alike. Members of the craft arts community have donated nearly 2000 titles for the public to enjoy.

You are welcome to drop by on Saturdays and Sundays, 10a – 5p, to browse, read, and research in the library space upstairs from our Granville Island shop and gallery. CCBC members get the additional benefit of borrowing items for a few weeks at a time. Our entire library collection is also available for you to search online.

If stairs are a barrier, we are happy to bring items that reflect your interest down for you to browse through. We can also photocopy and email short passages from library items or provide recommendations for those who do not live in the Vancouver region.

browse the resource library online

how can you donate?


The public is welcome to access the CCBC Craft Resource Library at our offices on Granville Island in Vancouver.


Open to the public by appointment on Fridays from 10am to 5pm
To make an appointment, email library[at]
email us

loaning material

CCBC Members are welcome to take library materials out on loan for a period of time.

loaning material

Pick-ups and returns available Fridays from 10am to 5pm.
To make an appointment, email library[at]
email us


We are currently looking for books, magazines, and catalogues on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) and queer craft, as well as BIPOC and queer craft theory/perspectives.

We are also accepting library materials relating to glass, metalsmithing, jewellery making, woodworking, felting, computer assisted design (3d printing, laser cutting, design programming), pottery, and paper crafts (paper-based arts, printmaking). We kindly ask that books, magazines, and catalogues which do not fit this description be left out of this round of donations.

To set up a time to drop off donations, please email us at library[@]craftcouncilbc[.]ca with the subject line “Library Donations”
