eleanor hannan

Eleanor works in the textile arts field and has been involved in sewing and embroidery for most of her life in some way or another. She says she actually thinks in cloth and thread combinations as they relate to drawing. For a number of years Eleanor has been doing sewing machine embroidery. More recently she has been developing techniques in hand embroidery to create large scale portraits. She has a BFA from the University of Manitoba and has exhibited work both as a drawer and painter and as an artist working in textiles in many locations in Canada and in the UK. Teaching is an essential part of her creative purpose. |
I like to say that drawing is my life: “not a day without line” either just looking and seeing, through drawing or embroidery thread. I have time in my life now to really bring the skills of drawing to my embroidery work. Along with an odder sense of arrangement and order, allowing unplanned images and ideas to appear and reappear. |