libbie burns

libbie burns




Skills learned as a tapestry weaver and spinner have lead directly to a love of wet felting. Workshops lead by Marjolein Dallinga from Quebec and Liz Clay from the UK have taught me numerous techniques required to produce two and three dimensional wearable pieces. These learned skills along with lots of exploration allow the creation of a modern approach to a traditional and ancient process. Exploration with natural dyes and eco printing has enhanced my love of colour and texture.

artist statement

The use of natural fibres such as merino wool, silk fibres, cotton and hemp is a way to adopt an ethical approach to my felted art. I am very proud of what I have achieved to date choosing quality fibres to create my work. Combining these carefully selected materials with traditional wet felting skills allows designs to develop that reflect nature’s fresh, natural and verdant beauty. The majestic ocean, mountains, field, sky and vegetation provide inspiration for each unique piece. Connecting natural fibres using water, soap and hand agitation into unique and distinctive wearable garments provides endless challenges, inspiration and fun.
