nicole guillemin

nicole guillemin




Nicole is on what she calls her “second life” after another career as a professional chef for over 16 years. During the pandemic, she came to art by way of the divine intervention of having free time due to the hospitality industry all but completely halting. It felt like a missing piece. Over those years she pursued her early education at Langara with increasing pace, eventually leading her to quit her job all together and start her own business as a private chef to support her growing passion for another kind of making. The necessity of timing cannot be missed in this venture, as Nicole is not certain that any other circumstances would have allowed her to pause and pursue anything else. She loves laughing, food, sci-fi, cycling, is very curious about everything, and has untethered risk tolerance.

artist statement

My practice is mainly directed by touch and intuition. I work with the three dimensional (mostly), and find myself deeply engaged with ceramics. The inherently process-orientated nature of these materials as well as the rich anthropological history carries a significance I am still unfolding. I am most interested in exploring what it means to be authentic, and stripping away the need to perform as an idea of what should be. I find myself caught between the pull of technical perfection and unbridled present-ness in my making, directed by no planned outcome. I look to making as a way to be free from self, and hope to make art that is accessible in concept and consumption by all. I want to be free and real, and want that for you too.
