call for entry: featured region program

call for entry: featured region program

Mid Island Woodworkers Guild
featured region program
call for entry

The Craft Council of British Columbia is a charitable arts service organization. It supports all stages of artistic practice in the craft sector; and creates opportunities for artists to exhibit, sell, and produce art. It also provides a voice for artists and craft organizations and aids in the development of active communities around craft.

The intention of the Featured Region Program (FRP) is to represent and celebrate craft from a variety of regions of BC, to provide greater opportunities for craft artists to display and sell their work, and to bolster connections between the CCBC and craft communities. We are thrilled to feature groups that foster craft-based artistry in different regions around BC, and to have the opportunity to promote diverse and excellent craftsmanship from across the province.  

About the Opportunity:

  • The Featured Region Program will feature between 5 – 12 artists work in our shop on Granville Island for a three – four month period
  • This is intended to showcase you and your work to a broader audience through CCBC’s platforms and to build meaningful connections with craft enthusiast, buyers and other artists
  • All of the work will also be featured in our online shop 