draperies to duds
draperies to duds:
an accelerated enactment of a lifecycle
corrina hammond
november 30, 2022 – january 25, 2023
ccbc shop & gallery
In this interactive installation, Corrina Hammond is hand-weaving the most ubiquitous garment on earth, the t-shirt. Sketched on paper, warped up and handwoven using traditional overshot, twill and plain weave drafts and techniques, the most rapidly produced item in leisure wear today will be presented as straight-up lace curtains. The Craft Council’s picture window will enhance the structure, texture and colour of the hand-woven lace curtains as the light shines through, throughout the afternoon. Traditionally installed on both windows, draped from curtain rods and mounted above each window, anyone in the shop will be welcome to change the draping situation as they wish, open, close or tie back the curtains.
Soon after the curtain installation is up, Corrina will begin removing panel sections of the ‘curtains’ to create different items from the cloth. She will use the lace curtains to construct leisure wear garments – creating at least 1 sweat suit and 1 tank top within the duration of the installation. The garments will be created by cutting the pattern pieces onsite then sewing it offsite, returning the finished garment back to the installation, along with the remaining curtain.
The performative act of repurposing the curtains, recalls a number of problematic films from popular culture. The ‘down cycling’ from curtain to leisure wear feels decidedly 21st century in contrast to the 20th century film references.
In creating leisure wear of lace curtains, Corrina challenges us to contemplate the current issues surrounding the textile industry and garment making; to ponder the everchanging fashion trends which dictate what kind of garment becomes classic or a collectible.
Corrina Hammond
My love of art, history, colour and fashion, and the ubiquitous garments of our daily lives, jeans, t-shirts, boiler suits, bandanas and domestic linens are the foundations of my weaving practice. My recent work includes an exploration of traditional weaving structures and drafts with references to prestige brands and high fashion garments. I’m currently designing, weaving and sewing handwoven t – shirts. T-shirts are omnipresent message carriers on a body. T-shirts state our political affiliations, sexuality, favourite bands and brands. The t-shirt has witnessed a massive transformation during it’s short life span, its own rags to riches story. They are equally as problematic in landfills as they are alluring proclamations of hope. Out of necessity, or a bold move, it was brave to be the first to begin wearing underwear as outerwear.
The fashion writer Charlie Porter states “in the act of getting dressed, you’re either in compliance or defiance. There is always some form of compromise.” If that’s the case, creating your own garment is a revolutionary act. How gratifying to hand weave an heirloom piece. One more contribution to the t-shirt story – this one shouldn’t end in the landfill.