
longevity and durability

longevity and durability

by Tom Costie

At the CCBC shop & gallery on Granville Island, it can be easy to see what sets the work apart from mass-produced items found elsewhere. There is no mistaking the longevity and the durability of handmade craft. One of our latest consignors, Rodney Gohsn from RG handcrafted goods, continues that dedication to quality production, but it is not just that RG handcrafted goods are built to last: they are built to age.

When I first saw some of the products Rodney had submitted to our standards-of-quality (SOQ) jury, I was a bit surprised to see how light in colour the fine leather items were. I could spot the quality immediately, but I was puzzled by the lack of darker tones among the items submitted. I’m sure I am not the only one who, when picturing a fine handmade item, like a wallet, imagines a rich chocolate or black finish. What I didn’t understand was that these wallets will become dark over time, enriched through a natural patina process which completely transforms and improves the look of the leather the longer you use it. RG handcrafted goods are made using high quality leather, tanned using tree bark and other natural elements. Every piece is finished with their all-natural, in-house leather conditioner.

A wallet may not hang on your wall or sit on your mantle, but a wallet is about as personal an item one has, and the patina process that ensues makes your wallet serve as a small piece of your personal history. Maybe it makes you think of the person who gave it you, or the time in your life when you bought it, but as it so often is with craft, a simple, everyday item can become a reflection of ourselves, our relationships and of our memories. RG handcrafted goods take the ordinary, and elevate it to the amazing. 

I am thrilled that our shop and gallery on Granville Island will be carrying their fantastic work!
