Unglazed white clay pots on wood table
in craft

the ccbc blog

what our members are doing, the latest craft news, what’s happening at the ccbc, and more!

want to contribute to our blog? tell us about your idea at contact_us[@]craftcouncilbc[.]ca

artist interviews

CCBC Artist Interview Series with Mallory Donen

“Never stop making and don’t get discouraged by rejection, 99% of the time it has nothing to do with your work and your value as an artist. If you are truly passionate about making art and you continue to share your ideas and projects with the world, then you are going to be a successful artist.”

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around the council

go big and go home

In her third and final entry during her ceramics education, Ilana Fonariov tells us about the lessons learned and the journey home.

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artist interviews

meet bettina matzkuhn

in conjunction with her CCBC gallery show, we asked artist Bettina Matzkuhn to share with us a bit about herself, her inspiration, her audience and her other projects

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