BC creative achievement award

the CCBC routinely nominates candidates for the BC Carter Wosk Creative Achievement Award
the CCBC routinely nominates candidates for the BC Carter Wosk Creative Achievement Award
The Canadian Crafts Federation / Fédération canadienne des métiers d’art (CCF/FCMA) invites the craft community to put forward nominations for the newly redesigned Robert Jekyll Award for Leadership in Craft.
An award for students to participate in curatorial activities in support of the development of a critical assessment of contemporary craft in students.
Awarded to a craftsperson who has demonstrated excellence, innovation and leadership in the BC craft community
This award is specifically for someone who is not a craftsperson, but without whom the craft community would be sorely diminished.
An award to assist individuals in their pursuit of a career in the field of craft and to help promote the development of excellence in crafts in British Columbia.